JXF HY Nylon Propeller 7inch to 16inch For RC Airplane Models
Ratings & Reviews for

JXF HY Nylon Propeller 7inch to 16inch For RC Airplane Models

  • 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

    7x6 JXF nylon prop for control line

    I use a 7x6 JXF HY nylon prop, cut down to 6 1/2 inch diameter on a .15 control line speed model. I have had better speeds with this prop than with any other. The blades are stiff, and wider than APC or wood prop I have used. Excellent airfoil shape. Highly recommended.

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  • 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

    Great service

    I ordered a selection of JXF HY Nylon props from Hobby-China. Six days later they were delivered to my door. In Australia. Order all correct. Great service. Thank you.

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